Welcome to the HASLMS EET Hotline!
Do you have questions about the EET process, domains, or evaluations? HASLMS is teaming up with our Peer Evaluators to bring you the information you seek!
It’s simple! Just complete the anonymous form to submit your question(s). All questions will be compiled, reviewed, and answered monthly. Dates for submissions and postings are provided for you on the HASLMS Happenings event calendar.
Your answers, from the experts, are just a click away!
Melissa Irvin
Clark Elementary
Helpful Hint for the End of the Year!
This is a good time to reflect on your program and target changes that would make your program stronger. Reflect on the lessons you have taught this year. Are there grade levels that you did not work with as much? With common core rolling out next year, it would be a good time to look at common core and be proactive in how you can work with these grade levels next year.
Another area that would benefit from reflection would be your literature activities. Did they cover all students in your school? Did they provide challenges at different times of the year? Finally think about how you start your year.
Here is the link to an article that raises some questions about when students should start using the media center.
January Tip!
Information about Informals
During informals, rating Domains 2 and 3, the peer will spend about thirty minutes observing in the main reading room, workroom, storage room, etc. and observing how the media specialist interacts with students and adults. Peer evaluators will not use media specialist-to-peer conversation as evidence for informal observations.
Peers will rate the program components they observe. Imagine a parent or new student walking into your media center; what could they learn about your program by observing? If the component is not observed, the rating is DNO. Remember that DNO is a notation that insufficient evidence was observed to rate the component -- not necessarily a negative.
After the observation the peer will send an email asking the media specialist to note any events that occurred prior to the observation that the media specialist feels may have impacted the observation. This is an opportunity for the media specialist to tell the peer about something the peer did not see that may have affected what happened during the observation: a fire alarm just prior to the observation, for example. The media specialist will have two days to respond to this email before observation ratings are made.
The peer will email you a range of about five days when she might come for your informal observation. You will receive this email at least one business day prior to the date range. When you receive your date range email, please email the peer dates/times of closures, planned absences, etc. during that date range.
November's Helpful Hint!
Before your observation make sure you read over the rubric.
The rubric has changes from last year. It is also beneficial to read the elements on the rubric.
October’s Helpful Hint!
Use your journal on an as needed basis. The peer evaluator is not prompted to read your journal until the end of the evaluation process. If you feel you have information that may have a bearing on your ratings, discuss it during the formal post conference. During the informal, respond to the extenuating circumstances email.
To see previous questions and answers click here.
It’s simple! Just complete the anonymous form to submit your question(s). All questions will be compiled, reviewed, and answered monthly. Dates for submissions and postings are provided for you on the HASLMS Happenings event calendar.
Your answers, from the experts, are just a click away!
Melissa Irvin
Clark Elementary
Helpful Hint for the End of the Year!
This is a good time to reflect on your program and target changes that would make your program stronger. Reflect on the lessons you have taught this year. Are there grade levels that you did not work with as much? With common core rolling out next year, it would be a good time to look at common core and be proactive in how you can work with these grade levels next year.
Another area that would benefit from reflection would be your literature activities. Did they cover all students in your school? Did they provide challenges at different times of the year? Finally think about how you start your year.
Here is the link to an article that raises some questions about when students should start using the media center.
January Tip!
Information about Informals
During informals, rating Domains 2 and 3, the peer will spend about thirty minutes observing in the main reading room, workroom, storage room, etc. and observing how the media specialist interacts with students and adults. Peer evaluators will not use media specialist-to-peer conversation as evidence for informal observations.
Peers will rate the program components they observe. Imagine a parent or new student walking into your media center; what could they learn about your program by observing? If the component is not observed, the rating is DNO. Remember that DNO is a notation that insufficient evidence was observed to rate the component -- not necessarily a negative.
After the observation the peer will send an email asking the media specialist to note any events that occurred prior to the observation that the media specialist feels may have impacted the observation. This is an opportunity for the media specialist to tell the peer about something the peer did not see that may have affected what happened during the observation: a fire alarm just prior to the observation, for example. The media specialist will have two days to respond to this email before observation ratings are made.
The peer will email you a range of about five days when she might come for your informal observation. You will receive this email at least one business day prior to the date range. When you receive your date range email, please email the peer dates/times of closures, planned absences, etc. during that date range.
November's Helpful Hint!
Before your observation make sure you read over the rubric.
The rubric has changes from last year. It is also beneficial to read the elements on the rubric.
October’s Helpful Hint!
Use your journal on an as needed basis. The peer evaluator is not prompted to read your journal until the end of the evaluation process. If you feel you have information that may have a bearing on your ratings, discuss it during the formal post conference. During the informal, respond to the extenuating circumstances email.
To see previous questions and answers click here.