HASLMS Constitution, By-Laws and Committees
Article I. Name
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Hillsborough Association of School Library Media Specialists.
Section 2. The correct acronym for the organization shall be HASLMS.
Article II. Purpose and goals
Section 1. This organization seeks to promote professional library service to the public schools of Hillsborough County. The organization will strive:
- to develop professional leadership
- to encourage professional growth among members
- to represent the aspirations and needs of school library media specialists in bringing quality service to students through legislation, public service and teachers organizations
- to promote the image of the profession
Section 2. The organization will offer the members opportunities for personal development through common sharing of problems and solutions, leadership opportunities, and fellowship with members.
Section 3. This organization is not organized for monetary profit and shall not declare dividends.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be open to library media specialists and support personnel responsible for media services in the Hillsborough County Public School System.
Section 2. The annual dues for each member shall be set by the incoming board at its first meeting. These dues shall be payable to the Association through the treasurer and are considered due and payable upon notification by the board.
Article I. Meetings
Section 1. HASLMS will hold at least two general meetings per year. Other general meetings may be scheduled as needed for a particular school year.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the president or any three members pending the approval of any member of the governing board.
Section 3. A quorum for a general meeting will consist of a simple majority (51%) of the members in attendance during the call to order. There must be at least two officers present in that number. A quorum for a meeting of the governing board shall consist of a simple majority (51%) of the members of that board present at the meeting during which a vote is called.
Section 4. At all meetings the secretary shall establish the order of the business in accordance with the agenda. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order in the form of a very loose parliamentary procedure.
Article II. Duties of Officers
Section l. President:
A. initiate, prepare and complete arrangements for general and special meetings of the association and of the governing board
B. preside at meetings
C. appoint committee chairpersons
D. designate ad hoc committees as necessary
E. prepare the agenda for meetings
F. maintain communication with supervisory personnel in the Educational Media Department
G. serve as president of the governing board
H. appoint officers to the board in the case that elected officers cannot serve
I. serve in the capacity of "past president" on the governing board during the year following his/her term of office
Section 2. Vice President:
A. perform the duties of the president in case of absence or inability to serve
B. prepare for the role of president for the following year
C. serve as special consultant to the officers-elect following the election but prior to July l
D. serve as program chairperson
E. serve as a member of the governing board
F. maintain a notebook of the year's activities to be passed on to the next vice president
Section 3. Secretary:
A. assist the president in preparing the agenda for meetings
B. record in minutes the business of all official meetings
C. read the minutes at general and board meetings and furnish board members with copies of previous board meetings
D. furnish each member of the governing board and of the officers elect with a copy of the current constitution and by-laws
E. work with the secretary-elect and forward the records of the association to the secretary-elect
F. preside at meetings in the absence of the president and vice president
G. conduct correspondence for the association and maintain a file of all correspondence
H. notify members of meetings and notify members of the governing board of meetings of that board
I. serve as a member of the governing board
Section 4. Treasurer:
A. serve as custodian of the funds of the Association
B. establish the account of the Association with a bank in such a manner that checks may be written by the treasurer or by the president in the absence of the treasurer
C. receive and disburse funds in accordance with directions from the governing board
D. present an itemized report of receipts and disbursements at regular business meetings
E. present the president and secretary with copies of the treasurer's report at each meeting
F. furnish the secretary with a list of members
G. serve as post-treasurer during the following year and conduct an audit for the then current treasurer
H. serve as a member of the governing board
Article III. Committees
Section 1. There shall be a standing committee for by-laws. This committee shall be appointed by the president. Any member of this committee may serve as parliamentarian at any meeting.
Section 2. Standing and ad hoc committees may be established by the president at any time and will serve until June 30. The incoming president may request working committees to continue their work until formally re-appointed at a board or general meeting. Committee chairpersons shall maintain a committee notebook of his/her committee's activities to pass on to the next chairperson of such committee. The past chairperson of the committee will serve as a committee member/consultant during the year following his/her chairmanship.
Article IV. Officers/Elections
Section 1. The elected officers of the association shall be: president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. The office of vice president is also that of president-elect. The vice president for one year shall be president for the following year.
Section 2. The governing board shall consist of the four elected executive board officers plus the immediate past president. At the discretion of the president, standing committee chairpersons may participate on the governing board.
Section 3. An annual election of officers shall be conducted by mail after January 1 and before May 1 of each year. New officers will begin to serve July 1.
Section 4. In the case of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice president shall automatically become president. Other vacancies, including that of a vice president who assumes the presidency, may be filled by appointment by the governing board or by special election. A special election may be conducted by mail or during a general or special meeting.
Article V. Ratification and Amendments
Section 1. The ratification of this constitution and by-laws nullifies all previous by-laws or official documents of this organization. The organization known as HASLMS, or HASLAMS previously, is officially cancelled under this current constitution and these current by-laws become effective the date of ratification, February 20, 1985.
Section 2. During the first calendar year following ratification, amendments to the constitution and by-laws shall be a simple majority of the governing board at any meeting where there are two members of the by-laws committee present.
Section 3. After the first calendar year following ratification, amendment to the by-laws will be accomplished as follows: the constitution and by-laws of this association may be altered, amended, or repealed by a three-fourths vote of the members present and voting at any general meeting provided that written notice of the proposed alteration, amendment, or repeal shall have been given to each and every member with the call for such a meeting at least thirty days prior to the date of said meeting. These by-laws shall be reviewed annually by the by-laws committee.
Section 4. These by-laws become effective upon approval by a simple majority of members present and voting at a general meeting or by a simple majority of members responding to a mail vote.
HASLMS Committees
CTA Liaison:
Keep HASLMS Board informed as to CTA actions affecting media personnel and services throughout Hillsborough County and make suggestions as to appropriate organization responses.
Contact, with the help of your committee, each Media Specialist in Hillsborough County as well as Media Administrators and develop a membership application form which will be dispensed to each potential member. Particular emphasis should be placed on personal contact with each Media Specialist new to the county.
Intellectual Freedom:
Receive from FAME and the State Department of Education and dispense to Media Specialists and other concerned parties throughout the county information on intellectual freedom issues and awards, collect responses from these same individuals to be returned to the appropriate agencies; and attend the "Intellectual Freedom" session of FAME and submit to HASLMS Board a report (not to exceed 1 page) which will be forwarded to the Publicity Committee to be put in the HASLMS Newsletter.
Help formulate and distribute a volunteer or nomination form for HASLMS officers for the following year; receive the responses to these forms, verify the consent of potential officers, to mail ballots, and receive and tally votes, work closely with HASLMS Board Members in all the above steps.
Web Page:
Publicize HASLMS Meetings in local media; edit and print two newsletters a year containing professional and social news for distribution to the members.
Student Media Festival:
Receive from FAME and the State Department of Education and dispense to Media Specialists and concerned Supervisors information concerning this festival which will culminate annually in the Jim Harbin Awards; attend the Student Media Festival Winners session of FAME, if possible, and submit a report (not to exceed 1 page) to HASLMS Board which will be forwarded to the Publicity Committee for distribution to HASLMS members.
Principals' Banquet:
Make recommendations to the HASLMS Board on a location and make all the arrangements, in close communication with the Board, for the banquet. Serve on banquet committee.
Social Committee:
Coordinate any social activities sponsored by HASLMS during the year, i.e. book club, FAME social.
Receive written requests for changes in the HASLMS By-laws; select a committee to examine each request as it affects the HASLMS Constitution and By-laws; make a report with recommendations to the next HASLMS Board meeting.
Sunshine Committee:
Receive information from HASLMS members concerning member retirements, illnesses, deaths, marriages, etc. and send appropriate card and/or flowers in HASLMS name. The committee will establish criteria for the above. Committee chairperson will serve as contact person.
Order library-related journals and organize their distribution to HASLMS members on a monthly basis.
Organize HASLMS grant application, promotes grant with membership, and select reader for submitted grants. Work with grant recipients to receive funds and communicate their implementation of funds to HASLMS.
Professional Recognition:
Recognize HASLMS members who are being recognized for Teacher of the Year or retirement.
Service Project:
Coordinate service projects, such as the annual book drive.
Professional Development:
Coordinate professional learning activities, such as Drive-In Conferences and Learning Labs.
Mumford Trip:
Plan the fall trips to Jacksonville to shop at Mumford Library Books, Inc.
Media Skills & Enrichment Framework:
Create an online platform for library-related lesson plans and ideas to made available to all Media Specialists.